The output of electron, hole and other charge densities is controlled by this
optional !
required !
optional !
optional !
optional !
optional !
optional !
optional !
optional !
optional !
optional !
optional !
optional !
spin-up-spin-down-kp-densities character
optional !
optional !
for electrolyte
effective-density-of-states-Nc-Nv character
optional !
detailed-output character
optional !
optional !
destination-directory = my-directory/
e.g. = densities/
Name of directory to which the files should be written. Must exist
and directory name has to include the slash (\ for DOS and / for UNIX).
electrons = yes /
Flag whether to output electron density. More details, see below.
holes = yes / no
Flag whether to output hole density. More details, see below.
charge-density = yes /
Flag whether to output overall charge density. More details, see below.
intrinsic-density = yes /
Flag whether to output the intrinsic density. More details, see below.
ionized-dopant-density = yes /
Flag whether to output the ionized acceptor and donor densities.
They are written to these files:
density1Ddopants_ionized.dat - acceptors (negative) + donors
density1Dacceptors_ionized.dat - acceptors only, for each impurity
number and total density. Here, the density is plotted with a positive sign.
density1Ddonors_ionized.dat - donors
only, for each impurity number and total density
dopant-energy-levels = yes /
Flag whether to output the energy levels (energy-levels-relative ,
see $impurity-parameters )
of the donors and acceptors relative to the lowest conduction band edge and
highest valence band edge.
They are written to this file:
position[nm] donor_001[eV] acceptor_001[eV]
... ...
It makes sense to plot this file together with the conduction and
valence band edges.
piezo-electricity = yes /
Flag whether to output the piezoelectric polarization charge density. This
file contains the piezoelectric interface and background charge densities. The
latter occur in graded materials, e.g. a ternary with a linear variation of
the x content. More details, see below.
pyro-electricity = yes /
Flag whether to output the pyroelectric polarization charge density. This
file contains the pyroelectric interface and background charge densities. The
latter occur in graded materials, e.g. a ternary with a linear variation of
the x content. More details, see below.
interface-density = yes /
Flag whether to output information about the interface charge
densities, e.g. piezo- and pyroelectric interface charges as well as
interfaces states. More details, see below.
integrated-density = yes /
Flag whether to output the integrated electron or hole charge density
(applies also to space charge density, dopant density, ion densities).
1D: Units [e/cm2]
2D: Units [e/cm]
3D: Units [e]
subband-density = yes /
Flag whether to output the subband density.
The electron (hole) subband density of eigenstates that are far above (below)
the Fermi level should be zero.
The sum of all subband densities of the eigenstates must be equal to the
integrated quantum mechanical density.
- In a 1D quantum well one has several confined eigenstates forming
The file 'subband1D_el_qc001_sg001_deg001_integrated.dat ' contains the
electron density for each eigenstate in units of [e/cm²] .
If four eigenvalues have been calculated, this file contains four values.
The file 'subband1D_el_qc001_sg001_deg001.dat ' contains the
electron density for each eigenstate in units of [1 * 1018 e/cm³] .
If four eigenvalues have been calculated, this file contains 1 + 4 = 5
columns where the first column is the grid coordinate.
- In a 2D quantum wire one has several confined eigenstates forming
The file 'subband2D_el_qc001_sg001_deg001_integrated.dat ' contains the
electron density for each eigenstate in units of [e/cm] . If four eigenvalues have been calculated, this file contains four values.
The files 'subband2D_el_qc001_sg001_deg001_ev_001.fld ',
'*.coord ', '*.dat ' contains the
electron density for the first eigenstate in units of [1
* 1018 e/cm³] , similar for the second, third, ...
- In a 3D quantum dot one has several confined eigenstates.
The file 'subband3D_el_qc001_sg001_deg001 _integrated .dat ' contains the
electron density for each eigenstate in units of [e] .
If four eigenvalues have been calculated, this file contains four values.
The files 'subband3D_el_qc001_sg001_deg001_ev_001.fld ',
'*.coord ', '*.dat ' contains the
electron density for the first eigenstate in units of [1
* 1018 e/cm³] , similar for the second, third, ...
Similar for the holes.
Similar for k.p.1D example: The relevant files are:
(for Gamma conduction band)
(for heavy holes)
(for light holes)
(for split-off holes)
qc001 means "quantum cluster no. 1".
Note: If the electron bands at the L and X valleys are split due to
strain, the relevant output files should be interpreted carefully.
Note: The single-band eigenstates are two-fold spin-degenerate. Thus the
subband density is twice as high as in the case of k.p.
spin-up-spin-down-kp-densities = yes /
Flag whether to output the k.p densities
sorted into spin up and spin down contributions of the relevant
k.p spinors to the densities.
(Currently only 1D).
Relevant output files:
- densities/density1Del_kpSpinUpSpinDown.dat (electrons)
- densities/density1Dhl_kpSpinUpSpinDown.dat (holes)
Contains the following four colums for the quantum mechanical
grid points k.p density (spin
up) k.p
density (spin down) total
k.p density (spin up + spin down)
The last column (total density) is identical to the
quantum mechanical k.p density output in the files:
- densities/density1Del.dat (electrons)
- densities/
ion-density = yes /
Flag whether to output the ion charge density of the
electrolyte. Note that the units are [1*1018 cm-3].
The electrolyte contains i different ion species plus H3O+,
OH- , anion- and cation+
ions ($electrolyte-ion-content ).
The density of electrolyte was calculated by the Poisson-Boltzmann
equation in FUNCTION
densities .
density1Dion001.dat - first ion species
density1Dion002.dat - second ion species
density1Dion00i+1.dat - H3O+ ions
density1Dion00i+2.dat - OH- ions
density1Dion00i+3.dat - anion- ions
related to concentration of H3O+
density1Dion00i+4.dat - cation+ ions related to
concentration of OH-
density1DIonConcentrationCorrection.dat - Correction due to H+
adsorbed or dissociated from the oxide/electrolyte interface.
density1Dion_total.dat - sum over all ion charge densities
effective-density-of-states-Nc-Nv = yes /
no !
default = no
Flag whether to output the effective density of states for the conduction
and valence bands.
Nc = valley_degeneracy * 2
(2 pi me
kBT / h² )3/2 = ... [1 * 1018 cm-3]
Nv = 2
(2 pi mh
kBT / h² )3/2 = ... [1 * 1018 cm-3]
==> 2 = spin degeneracy
The effective DOS depends on the temperature and on the effective mass.
(Note that for the derivation of this formula an isotropic and parabolic
energy dispersion E(k) is assumed).
The columns in the output files have the following meaning:
Nc_cb1D_ind001.dat: grid point [nm] Nc(Gamma)
Nv_cb1D_ind001.dat: grid point [nm] Nv(heavy
hole) Nv(light hole) Nv(split-off
The units of Nc , Nv
are [1 * 1018 cm-3].
detailed-output = yes /
no !
default = yes (1D)
default = no (2D/3D)
Flag whether to output additional densities with respect to
- Gamma band
- L band
- X band
- heavy hole (hh) band
- light hole (lh) band
- split-off hole (so) band
- classical density (cl)
- quantum mechanical density (qm)
electrons = yes ! contains
the sum of Gamma, L and X bands
holes = yes !
contains the sum of heavy hole, light hole and split-off hole band
By default, the sum of classical and quantum mechanical
densities is contained in the density output for the electrons and holes.
This flag is useful if one is interested in the contribution of each band to
the total density.
The relevant 1D output is
- density1Del.dat - contains total electron density, quantum
mechanical part of the density and classical part of the density:
The columns are labeled with el[1e18/cm3]
el_qm[1e18/cm3] el_cl[1e18/cm3] .
The electron density in is the sum over all
conduction band edges, i.e. Gamma band, L band and X band.
- density1Dhl.dat - contains total hole
density, quantum mechanical part of the density and classical part of the
The columns are labeled with hl[1e18/cm3]
hl_qm[1e18/cm3] hl_cl[1e18/cm3] .
The hole density in is the sum over all valence
band edges, i.e. heavy hole, light hole and split-off hole band.
- density1DGamma_L_X.dat - densities of Gamma, L and X bands
The output file only has three columns (Gamma density,
L density, X density) if there is no strain applied.
In case of strain, the L and X bands can be split
and thus additional columns arise for those grid points.
- density1Dhh_lh_so.dat - densities of heavy hole, light
hole and split-off hole band
The output file always has three columns: hh density,
lh density, split-off hole density
If one does k.p for holes, one cannot
distinguish between hh, lh, and so densities. Therefore this output is omitted.
(The only disadvantage is if there are regions in the
device where the classical hole density dominates,
or if there are several quantum regions with different
hole quantum models,
then there will be no way to see if the density
originates from hh, lh or so classical or single-band densities.)
(Of course, if needed, one could split this output into classical and quantum
mechanical contributions to the density.)
1D filenames and structure:
Electron density
[ 1018
cm-3 ]
density1Del_ind000.dat |
_ind000 |
number of voltage step corresponding to
this output file (only if voltage sweep is turned on) |
For a quantum mechanical calculation:
position |
el |
el_qm (quantum
part only) |
el_cl (classical
part only) |
0.000000E+00 |
0.000000E+00 |
0.000000E+00 |
0.000000E+00 |
position in space [nm] |
Electron density [1018 e/cm3] |
Electron density [1018 e/cm3] |
Electron density [1018 e/cm3] |
For a classical calculation:
position |
el |
0.000000E+00 |
0.000000E+00 |
position in space [nm] |
Electron density [1018 e/cm3] |
Hole density
[ 1018
cm-3 ]
density1Dhl_ind000.dat |
_ind000 |
number of voltage step corresponding to
this output file (only if voltage sweep is turned on) |
For a quantum mechanical calculation:
position |
hl |
hl_qm (quantum
mechanical part only) |
hl_cl (classical
part only) |
0.000000E+00 |
0.000000E+00 |
0.000000E+00 |
0.000000E+00 |
position in space [nm] |
Hole density [1018 e/cm3] |
Hole density [1018 e/cm3] |
Hole density [1018 e/cm3] |
For a classical calculation:
position |
hl |
0.000000E+00 |
0.000000E+00 |
position in space [nm] |
Hole density [1018 e/cm3] |
Space charge density
= -n + p -NA + ND
+ rhopiezo + rhopyro
[1018 cm-3 ]
Note: Here, the electron density
n and the acceptor density NA
have a negative sign.
Piezo and pyro charges are included as well.
So this file contains the total density present in the device.
density1Dspace_charge_ind001.dat |
_ind000 |
number of voltage step corresponding to
this output file (only if voltage sweep is turned on) |
position |
dens_space |
0.000000E+00 |
0.000000E+00 |
position in space [nm] |
Space charge density [1018 e/cm3] |
Intrinsic density
n_i = SQRT(n * p)
[cm-3 ]
position |
dens_space |
0.000000E+00 |
0.000000E+00 |
position in space [nm] |
intrinsic density [e/cm3] |
Note: For the intrinsic density it is more transparent to output it in units
of [cm-3] rather than [1018 cm-3]
as is the case for the other densities.
Note: The output in 1D contains 3 columns.
- The 1st column is position in space in [nm].
- The 2nd column is the intrinsic density ni = SQRT(ni
* pi) for the bulk material at the relevant grid points.
(Note: Doping, the Poisson equation and heterostructure effects are not
This is the value of the intrinsic density that enters the recombination
- The 3rd column is the quantity ni' = SQRT(n * p)
for the the relevant grid points.
Here, the densities n(x) and p(x) are the classical
electron and hole densities at the grid point x for the calculated
electrostatic built-in potential in equilibrium.
This quantity is just for information. It does not enter anywhere into
the actual calculation.
polarization charge density
position |
dens_piezo |
0.000000E+00 |
0.000000E+00 |
position in space [nm] |
Piezo-charge density
[1018 e/cm3] |
polarization charge density
position |
dens_pyro |
0.000000E+00 |
0.000000E+00 |
position in space [nm] |
Pyro-charge density [1018 e/cm3] |
Integrated density
(Electron density)
int_hl_dens.dat (Hole density)
int_sp_dens.dat (Space charge density) |
Pois_001 |
Cl_001 |
Total |
0.000000E+00 |
0.000000E+00 |
0.000000E+00 |
Voltage at poisson cluster
[001] [V] |
Integrated density for
material cluster [001]
Units: 1D: [carriers/cm2]
2D: [carriers/cm]
3D: [carriers] |
Sum of all clusters |
Surface and interface
charge density
Information about interface/surface charge densities:
Scaling: n2d0= 1.000000000000000E+016
e.g.: n2d0=1d4 --> particles/cm^2
[C/m^2] => / |e| / n2d0 =>
10^16 m^-2
Left boundary: 0.000000000000000E+000
Left boundary: 0.000000000000000E+000
Right boundary: 0.000000000000000E+000
Right boundary: 0.000000000000000E+000
Interface number 1 at position 100.000000000000 nm
piezoelectric charge: 2.762229388428833E-003 C/m^2
piezoelectric charge: 1.72403413480667
1E12 |e| / cm^2
Interface number 2 at position 117.000000000000 nm
piezoelectric charge: -2.762229388428833E-003 C/m^2
piezoelectric charge: -1.72403413480667
1E12 |e| / cm^2
Left boundary: 0.000000000000000E+000
Left boundary: 0.000000000000000E+000
1E12 |e| / cm^2
Right boundary: 0.000000000000000E+000
Right boundary: 0.000000000000000E+000
1E12 |e| / cm^2
Interface number 1 at position 100.000000000000 nm
pyroelectric charge: 2.934399999999997E-003 C/m^2
pyroelectric charge: 1.83149371531894
1E12 |e| / cm^2
Interface number 2 at position 117.000000000000 nm
pyroelectric charge: -2.934399999999997E-003 C/m^2
pyroelectric charge: -1.83149371531894
1E12 |e| / cm^2
Full-band density approach
The following file contains the background charge density when using the
full-band envelope-function approach (broken-gap =
full-band-density ).
If using $quantum-model-electrons ,
this number contains the positive background charge density.
If using $quantum-model-holes
, this number contains the negative background charge density.
For the same structure, using
$quantum-model-electrons , the positive background charge density is
three times larger than the negative background charge density (when using
$quantum-model-holes ). |