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Arora mobility model

More documentation on the Arora mobility model ==> nextnano3 documentation

binary_zb {                                   # or binary_wz
 name    = Si                                 #
material name, e.g. Si, GaAs, InP, ...


   electrons{ mumin = 88       alm = -0.57    #
reference mobility   parameter [cm2/Vs] and exponent []
              mud   = 1252     ald = -2.33    #
reference mobility   parameter [cm2/Vs] and exponent []
              n0    = 1.25e17  aln =  2.4     #
reference impurity   parameter [cm-3]   and exponent []
              a     = 0.88     ala = -0.146 } #
reference exponent parameter []       and exponent []
   holes{     mumin = 54.3     alm = -0.57    #
reference mobility   parameter [cm2/Vs] and exponent []
              mud   = 407      ald = -2.23    #
reference mobility   parameter [cm2/Vs] and exponent []
              n0    = 2.35e17  aln =  2.4     #
reference impurity   parameter [cm-3]   and exponent []
              a     = 0.88     ala = -0.146 } #
reference exponent parameter []       and exponent []

The values of the parameters were taken from the DESSIS manual (2001).


The Arora mobility model is used to simulate the doping dependent mobility in Si and takes into account the scattering of the carriers by charged impurity ions which leads to a degradation of the carrier mobility (ionized impurity scattering). This model is temperature dependent.

N.D.Arora, J.R.Hauser, D.J.Roulston
Electron and hole mobilities in silicon as a function of concentration and temperature
IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, ED-29, 292, 1982

     => (Here we have to insert the equation for the mobility.)

The total concentration of ionized impurities is given by ND+NA where ND and NA are the concentration of ionized donors or acceptors, respectively.
Note: In nextnano++ we use the nominal dopant concentration as specified in the input file and not the ionized one.

   T0 = 300 K, T = temperature