| | This is the old documentation.
Here's the link to the new documentation.
Specifies which bands enter classical densities
and dopant densities. Only the bands specified are included in the simulation.
Conduction bands:
# at Gamma point
# output band edge of this band in a single file [eV]
averaged = yes
# for each grid point the
band edge will be averaged between neighboring material grid points (default:
yes )
= no
# abrupt discontinuities at interfaces (in 1D two points, in 2D four points, in 3D eight
points for each grid point)
# (averaged =
yes is similar to 'boxes =
no '.
Note that 'boxes ' is related to output of material grid points
while averaged is related to output of simulation grid points.)
# 2D and 3D simulations can produce a lot of output data (~order of
# In order to avoid excessive consumption of your hard disk, it is
strongly recommended to use averaged = yes
for 2D and 3D simulations.
output_bandedge{ ... } }
# at L point; does not apply to wurtzite materials
output_bandedge{ ... } }
# at X point; does not apply to wurtzite materials; for all materials
other than Si, Ge, GaP
output_bandedge{ ... } }
# at Delta point; for Si, Ge, GaP
Valence bands:
output_bandedge{ ... } }
# heavy hole
output_bandedge{ ... } }
# light hole
output_bandedge{ ... } }
# split-off hole (or crystal-field split-off hole in wurtzite)
Further output definitions
# output all (relevant) band edges and (relevant) Fermi levels in one
file named 'bandedges.*' [eV]
profiles = "Gamma" # enumerate relevant band edges for output. If profiles are not defined, all band edges are written out.
profiles = "Gamma HH
averaged = yes
for each grid point the
band edges will be averaged between neighboring material grid points (default)
= no
# abrupt discontinuities at interfaces (in 1D two points, in 2D four points, in 3D eight
points for each grid point)
# ( 'averaged = yes' is similar to 'boxes = no'.
Note that 'boxes' is related to output of material grid points while 'averaged'
is related to output of simulation grid points.)
# output band gaps for Gamma, L, X (or Delta) bands with reference to the
highest valence band edge.
Additionally the difference between the lowest conduction band and the highest
valence band edges is written out: MIN(Gamma,L,X (or Delta)) - MAX(hh,lh,so) [eV]
averaged = yes
# for each grid point the
band gaps will be averaged between neighboring material grid points (default)
= no
# abrupt discontinuities at interfaces (in 1D two points, in 2D four points, in 3D eight
points for each grid point)
# ( 'averaged = yes' is similar to 'boxes = no'.
Note that 'boxes' is related to output of material grid points while 'averaged'
is related to output of simulation grid points.)
# output electron and hole densities [1018/cm3]
# The units for the output file
total_charges.txt are
# electrons/cm2 (1D simulation),
# electrons/cm (2D simulation),
# electrons
(3D simulation).
# output ionized dopant densities [1018/cm3]
# The ionized acceptor and donor densities are written to these files:
# density_acceptor_ionized.dat
# density_donor_ionized.dat
# output intrinsic density [1/cm3]
boxes = yes/no
# (optional) For each grid point, in 1D two points are printed out to
# abrupt discontinuities at interfaces (in 2D four points, in 3D eight
# output energy-resolved densities n(x,E), p(x,E)
in units of
[cm-3 eV-1] in 1D, [cm-3 eV-1] in 2D, and [cm-3 eV-1] in 3D.
# output integrated electron and hole density as a function of energy, n(E), p(E)
in units of
[cm-2 eV-1] in 1D, [cm-1 eV-1]
in 2D, and [eV-1] in 3D.
min = -5.0
# minimum energy [eV] (required, default:
-10.0 )
max = 5.0
# maximum energy [eV] (required, default:
5.0 )
energy_resolution =
0.1 #
energy spacing [eV] (optional, default:
0.1 )
only_quantum_regions =
yes #
consider only quantum regions (optional, default:
no ), can be used to suppress contributions from outside the quantum regions of interest. This works even if quantum mechanics is not enabled in
run{} .
# Note that energy_distribution{} ,
which directly calculates the space-integrated energy-resolved density,
is logically independent
# from the two groups energy_resolved_density{}
and emission_spectrum{} .
# Incidentally, it also runs much faster and needs much less memory
for the same energy spacing.
# output electron and hole density as a function of energy and position, n(x,E), p(x,E)
in units of
[cm-3 eV-1] in 1D, [cm-3 eV-1] in 2D, and [cm-3 eV-1] in 3D.
min = -5.0
# minimum energy [eV] (required, default:
-10.0 )
max = 5.0
# maximum energy [eV] (required, default:
5.0 )
energy_resolution =
0.1 #
energy spacing [eV] (optional, default:
0.1 )
only_quantum_regions =
yes #
consider only quantum regions (optional, default:
no ), can be used to suppress contributions from outside the quantum regions of interest. This works even if quantum mechanics is not enabled in
run{} .
# output emission spectrum calculated from energy-resolved densities n(E,x) and p(E,x),
# i.e. emission_spectrum{} uses the energy-resolved density computed by
energy_resolved_density{} which is required to be specified in the
input file.
min = -5.0
# minimum energy [eV] (optional, default:
-10.0 )
<== not
supported any more in versions newer than 2020-06-15: specifier moved to
energy_resolved_density {}
max = 5.0
# maximum energy [eV] (optional, default:
5.0 )
<== not
supported any more in versions newer than 2020-06-15: specifier moved to
energy_resolved_density {}
energy_resolution =
# energy spacing [eV] (optional, default:
0.1 ) <== not
supported any more in versions newer than 2020-06-15: specifier moved to
energy_resolved_density {}
# min , max always refer to a zero point at the (local) conduction band edge,
and not to the photon energy.
max should be set high enough above 0 to contain all occupied electron states and
min should be set far enough below - bandgap to contain all occupied hole states.
# The respective values for energy_resolution should be set smaller than
kBT if one wishes to fully resolve the structures of the integrated densities and/or of the emission spectra.
# However, while setting energy_resolution in
energy_distribution{} as low as 0.001
eV has little influence on program execution time,
# using similarly small values for energy_resolution
in energy_resolved_density{} will result in massive slowdowns (and in 3D also in massive memory use), since the computational effort for obtaining emission spectra grows quadratically with the number of energy bins.
only_quantum_regions =
yes / no # <==
not supported any more in versions newer than 2020-06-15:
specifier moved to energy_resolved_density {}
consider only quantum regions (optional, default:
no ), can be used to suppress contributions from outside the quantum regions of interest. This works even if quantum mechanics is not enabled in
run{} .
# required if emission_spectrum{}
is calculated
# computed types of spectra
yes / no #
yes / no #
absorption =
yes / no #
stimulated_emission =
yes / no #
# unit selection - the following apply to all of the above
yes / no # default:
spectra_over_wavelength =
yes / no # default:
spectra_over_frequency =
yes / no # default:
spectra_over_wavenumber =
yes / no # default:
# unit selection - the following applies to all combinations above
photon_spectra =
yes / no
# default:
# unit selection - the following only applies to combinations with (spontaneous) emission and stimulated emission
power_spectra =
yes / no
# default:
# The classical emission spectrum contains
both intensity and photon count.
# emitted_photon_spectrum.dat : Units for the emitted photon spectrum: [cm-2 s^-1 eV-1] in 1D, [cm-1 s^-1 eV-1]
in 2D, and [s^-1 eV-1] in 3D.
# emitted_power_spectrum.dat : Units for the emitted photon power are: [W cm-2 eV-1]
in 1D, [W cm-1 eV-1] in 2D, and [W eV-1] in 3D.
refractive_index =
# averaged-out refractive index nr [] (optional, default:
1.0 ) Refractive index used for calculating gain and
absorption. The absorption/gain is multiplied by the factor 1/nr2 .
# The values for the optical dielectric constant from the database are
not used yet at this point.
output_photon_density =
yes / no
# output emitted photon density in units of [cm-3s-1] (optional, default:
no ) (emitted_photon_density.dat )
output_power_density =
yes / no # output emitted
power density in units of [W/cm3] (optional, default:
no ) (emitted_power_density.dat )
# For gain, only the positive part is written out, the negative (=
absorption) part is cut off.
# For absorption, the whole curve is shown, i.e. including negative
values (= gain).
# For stimulated emission, only the positive part is shown.
# For gain, absorption, and stimulated emission, the upper 30% of the spectra are cut off.
# Stimulated emission assumes that all photon modes are occupied by one photon.
Thus, not the actual stimulated emission in the device is calculated,
# but rather a spectral response similar to the gain.
Carrier statistics for classical densities
carrier_statistics =
fermi_dirac #
(default) Model for carrier statistics is Fermi-Dirac
= maxwell_boltzmann
# Optionally, one can use Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics for the classical
densities (not recommended as this is only an approximation which is only
applicable in certain cases).
# In order to maintain consistency, also the (integrated) energy distribution (density_vs_energy) and the classical emission spectra and densities
# are computed using the same statistics.
Use together with quantum regions is possible but not recommended,
# and convergence of the current-Poisson or quantum-current-Poisson equation may become worse (please readjust convergence parameters accordingly).
n = Nc * FermiIntegral1/2( (EF
- Ec) / (kBT) )
electron density for fermi_dirac
p = Nc * FermiIntegral1/2( (Ev
- EF) / (kBT) )
hole density for fermi_dirac
n = Nc * exp( (EF -
Ec) / (kBT) )
electron density for maxwell_boltzmann
p = Nc * exp( (Ev -
EF) / (kBT) )
hole density for maxwell_boltzmann