nextnano3 - Tutorial
next generation 3D nano device simulator
3D Tutorial
Energy levels in idealistic 3D cubic and cuboidal shaped quantum dots
Stefan Birner
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-> -
10 nm x 10 nm x 10 nm QD
-> -
10 nm x 10 nm x 5 nm QD
Energy levels in an idealistic 3D cubic quantum dot
-> -
10 nm x 10 nm x 10 nm QD
Here, we want to calculate the energy levels and the wave functions of a cubic
quantum dot of length 10 nm.
We assume that the barriers at the QD boundaries are infinite. This way we
can compare our numerical calculations to analytical results.
The potential inside the QD is assumed to be 0 eV.
As effective mass we take the electron effective mass of InAs, i.e. me
= 0.026 m0.
conduction-band-masses = 0.026 0.026 0.026 ! electron
effective mass at Gamma conduction band
A discussion of the analytical solution of the 3D Schrödinger equation of a
particle in a box (i.e. quantum dot) with infinite barriers can be found in e.g.
Quantum Heterostructures (Microelectronics and Optoelectronics) by V.V.
Mitin, V.A. Kochelap and M.A. Stroscio.
The solution of the Schrödinger equation leads to the following eigenvalues:
En1,n2,n3 = hbar2 pi2
/ 2me
( n12 / Lx2 + n22
/ Ly2 + n32 / Lz2
) =
1.4462697 * 10-17 eVm2 ( n12
/ Lx2 + n22 / Ly2
+ n32 / Lz2 ) =
0.1446269 eV
( n12
+ n22
+ n32
) (if Lx
= Ly = Lz = 10 nm)
- En1,n2,n3 is the total electron energy.
- n1, n2, n3
are three discrete quantum numbers (because we have three
directions of quantization).
- Lx, Ly, Lz are the lengths along the x, y
and z directions. In our case, Lx = Ly = Lz =
10 nm.
Generally, the energy levels are not degenerate, i.e. all energies are
However, some energy levels with different quantum numbers coincide, if
the lengths along two or three directions are identical or
if their ratios are integers. In our cubic QD case, all three lengths are
Consequently, we expect the following degeneracies:
- E111 = 0.43388 eV (ground state)
- E112 = E121 = E211 = 0.86776 eV = 2 E111
- E122 = E212 = E221 = 1.30164 eV = 3 E111
- E113 = E131 = E311 = 1.59090 eV = 11/3 E111
- E222 = 1.73552 eV = 4 E111
- E123 = E132 = E213 = E231 = E312
= E321 = 2.02478 eV = 14/3 E111
- E333 = 3.90493 eV = 27/3 E111
nextnano³ numerical results for a 10 nm cubic quantum dot with 0.50 nm
grid spacing:
(The grid spacing is rather coarse but has the advantage that the calculation
takes only a minute.)
Output file name:
num_ev: eigenvalue [eV]:
(0.50 nm grid)
1 0.432989
= E111
2 0.862425
(three-fold degenerate) E112/E121/E211
3 0.862425
(three-fold degenerate) E112/E121/E211
4 0.862425
(three-fold degenerate) E112/E121/E211
5 1.291860
(three-fold degenerate) E122/E212/E221
6 1.291860
(three-fold degenerate) E122/E212/E221
7 1.291860
(three-fold degenerate) E122/E212/E221
8 1.566392
(three-fold degenerate) E113/E131/E311
9 1.566392
(three-fold degenerate) E113/E131/E311
10 1.566392
(three-fold degenerate) E113/E131/E311
11 1.721296
= E222
12 1.995828
(six-fold degenerate) E123/E132/E213/E231/E312/E321
13 1.995828
(six-fold degenerate) E123/E132/E213/E231/E312/E321
14 1.995828
(six-fold degenerate) E123/E132/E213/E231/E312/E321
15 1.995828
(six-fold degenerate) E123/E132/E213/E231/E312/E321
16 1.995828
(six-fold degenerate) E123/E132/E213/E231/E312/E321
17 1.995828
(six-fold degenerate) E123/E132/E213/E231/E312/E321
18 2.425263
(three-fold degenerate) E223/E232/E322
19 2.425263
(three-fold degenerate) E223/E232/E322
20 2.425263
(three-fold degenerate) E223/E232/E322
21 2.527557
(three-fold degenerate) E114/E141/E411
22 2.527557
(three-fold degenerate) E114/E141/E411
23 2.527557
(three-fold degenerate) E114/E141/E411
24 2.699795
(three-fold degenerate) E233/E323/E332
25 2.699795
(three-fold degenerate) E233/E323/E332
26 2.699795
(three-fold degenerate) E233/E323/E332
27 2.956993
(six-fold degenerate) E124/E142/E214/E241/E412/E421
28 2.956993
(six-fold degenerate) E124/E142/E214/E241/E412/E421
29 2.956993
(six-fold degenerate) E124/E142/E214/E241/E412/E421
30 2.956993
(six-fold degenerate) E124/E142/E214/E241/E412/E421
31 2.956993
(six-fold degenerate) E124/E142/E214/E241/E412/E421
32 2.956993
(six-fold degenerate) E124/E142/E214/E241/E412/E421
48 3.833198
= E333
The following figures show the isosurfaces of the electron wave function
(psi²) of a 10 nm cubic quantum dot with infinite barriers for
- the ground state E111
- the 11th eigenstate E222.
Both states are nondegenerate.
Intraband (=intersublevel) transitions
intraband-matrix-elements = p
calculate intersublevel dipole moment < psif* | pz | psii
> and oscillator strength ffi
In this cubic QD with infinite barriers, optical intersublevel
transitions are only allowed between states with odd difference
quantum numbers along the same axes:
E111 <==> E112/E121/E211
1 <==> 2 / 3 / 4
E111 <==> E114/E141/E411
1 <==> 21 / 22 / 23
E211 <==> E311
2 <==> 8
E121 <==> E131
3 <==> 9
E112 <==> E113
4 <==> 10
The following transitions are forbidden:
E111 <==> E113/E131/E311
1 <==> 8 / 9 / 10
E211 <==> E112/E121
2 <==> 3 / 4
E121 <==> E211/E112
3 <==> 2 / 4
E112 <==> E211/E121
4 <==> 2 / 3
Energy levels in an idealistic 3D cubodial shaped quantum dot with Lx
= Ly /= Lz
-> -
10 nm x 10 nm x 5 nm QD
This time we use a similiar quantum dot as above but the lengths are Lx
= Ly = 10 nm and Lz = 5 nm.
Therefore, the degeneracies of the eigenenergies are different. We expect the
En1,n2,n3 = hbar2 pi2
/ 2me
( n12 / Lx2 + n22
/ Ly2 + n32 / Lz2
) =
1.4462697 * 10-17 eVm2 ( n12
/ Lx2 + n22 / Ly2
+ n32 / Lz2 ) =
0.1446269 eV
( n12
+ n22 ) + 0.5785079 eV
n32 )
(if Lx = Ly = 10 nm and Lz = 5 nm)
Generally, the energy levels are not degenerate, i.e. all energies are
However, some energy levels with different quantum numbers coincide, if
the lengths along two or three directions are identical or
if their ratios are integers. In our cubic QD case, all three lengths are
Consequently, we expect the following degeneracies:
- E111 = 0.86776 eV (ground state)
- E121 = E211 = 1.301642 eV
- E221 = 1.73552 eV = 2 E111 (This
is a coincidence because Lx,y / Lz are integers and have
the value 2.)
- E131 = E311 = 2.02478 eV
- E231 = E321 = 2.45866 eV
- E112 = 2.60329 eV = 2 E121 (This
is a coincidence because Lx,y / Lz are integers and have
the value 2.)
- E122 = E212 =
E141 = E411 = 3.03717 eV
(This is a coincidence because Lx,y / Lz are integers
and have the value 2.)
- E331 = 3.18180 eV
- E222 = 2 E221 =
(This is a coincidence because Lx,y / Lz are integers
and have the value 2.)
E241 = E421 = 3.47105 eV
(This is a coincidence because Lx,y / Lz are integers
and have the value 2.)
- E132 = E312 = 3.76030 eV
- E341 = E431 =
E232 = E322 = 4.19418 eV
(This is a coincidence because Lx,y / Lz are integers
and have the value 2.)
- E151 = E511 = 4.33881 eV
- E142 = E412 =
E251 = E521 = 4.77269 eV
(This is a coincidence because Lx,y / Lz are integers
and have the value 2.)
- E332 = 4.91731 eV
- E441 =
E242 = E422 = 5.20657 eV
(This is a coincidence because Lx,y / Lz are integers
and have the value 2.)
- E113 = 5.49582 eV
- E123 = E213 = 5.92971 eV
nextnano³ numerical results for a 10 nm cubic quantum dot with
- 0.50 nm grid spacing (left column) and
- 0.25 nm grid spacing (right column):
(The grid spacing is rather coarse (for 0.50 nm) but has the advantage that the
calculation takes only a minute.)
Output file name:
num_ev: eigenvalue [eV]:
(0.50 nm grid)
(0.25 nm grid)
1 0.862425
= E111
2 1.291860
(two-fold degenerate) = E121/E211
3 1.291860
(two-fold degenerate) = E121/E211
4 1.721296
= E221
5 1.995828
(two-fold degenerate) = E131/E311
6 1.995828
(two-fold degenerate) = E131/E311
7 2.425263
(two-fold degenerate) = E231/E321
8 2.425263
(two-fold degenerate) = E231/E321
9 2.527557
= E112
10 2.956993
(four-fold degenerate) = E122/E212/E141/E411
11 2.956993
(four-fold degenerate) = E122/E212/E141/E411
12 2.956993
(four-fold degenerate) = E122/E212/E141/E411
13 2.956993
(four-fold degenerate) = E122/E212/E141/E411
14 3.129231
= E331
15 3.386428
(three-fold degenerate) = E222/E241/E421
16 3.386428
(three-fold degenerate) = E222/E241/E421
17 3.386428
(three-fold degenerate) = E222/E241/E421
18 3.660960
(two-fold degenerate) = E132/E312
19 3.660960
(two-fold degenerate) = E132/E312
20 4.090396
(four-fold degenerate) = E341/E431/E232/E322
21 4.090396
(four-fold degenerate) = E341/E431/E232/E322
22 4.090396
(four-fold degenerate) = E341/E431/E232/E322
23 4.090396
(four-fold degenerate) = E341/E431/E232/E322
24 4.151688
(two-fold degenerate) = E151/E511
25 4.151688
(two-fold degenerate) = E151/E511
26 4.581124
(four-fold degenerate in theory) = E142/E412/E251/E521
27 4.581124
(four-fold degenerate in theory) = E142/E412/E251/E521
28 4.622125
(four-fold degenerate in theory) = E142/E412/E251/E521
29 4.622125
(four-fold degenerate in theory) = E142/E412/E251/E521
30 4.794363
4.886326 = E332
34 5.121061
5.400036 = E441
The following figures show the isosurfaces of the electron wave function (psi²)
of a 10 nm x 10 nm x 5 nm cuboidal shaped quantum dot with infinite barriers for
- the ground state E111
- the 4th eigenstate E221
- the 9th eigenstate E112
- the 14th eigenstate E331.
All these states are nondegenerate.