Quantum-Cascade Lasers (QCLs) are a type of semiconductor laser that emits in the mid- to far-infrared range of the electromagnetic spectrum. They were initially demonstrated by Jérôme Faist, Federico Capasso, Deborah Sivco, Carlo Sirtori, Albert Hutchinson, and Alfred Cho at Bell Laboratories in 1994.
Unlike traditional interband semiconductor lasers, which emit radiation by recombining electron-hole pairs across the material's band gap, QCLs operate based on unipolar emission. Laser emission is achieved by utilizing intersubband transitions in a stacked structure of semiconductor multiple quantum well heterostructures.
Download nextnano.NEGF including an evaluation license for a few months.
This video (mpg4, 23 MB) shows how a QCL works. The first 10 seconds summarize the features of our software, the remaining 20 seconds show the animated simulation results. At 20 seconds, the QCL starts to lase: The electron density (figure on the right) shows the population inversion, i.e. the higher state has a larger electron population than the lower lasing state.
Information on nextnano software for QCLs
(low resolution pdf)
(high resolution pdf)
A good introduction into the nextnano.NEGF software is the tutorial talk Modeling electron transport in quantum cascade lasers given by Thomas Grange at the International Quantum Cascade Laser School and Workshop (Cassis/France, 2018).
If you are interested in further tutorials, please contact stefan.birner [at] nextnano.com.
Intersubband transitions in InGaAs/AlInAs multiple quantum well systems
What you can learn:
This figure shows the calculated electron density in a THz QCL.
This figure shows the calculated gain of a THz QCL.
nextnano software for quantum transport
1) nextnano.NEGF
Download nextnano.NEGF including an evaluation license.
Download nextnano.MSB including an evaluation license until 2016-12-31.
2) nextnano3 & nextnano++
The following two papers give a very basic introduction to QCL modeling.
Our recent publications on QCL modeling: