Database for wurtzite materials (hexagonal
crystal system)
=> ../Syntax/
Group IV, III-V, II-VI, I-VII materials
binary_wz {
name = GaN
# material name, e.g. GaN,
AlN, InN, ...
valence = III_V
# IV_IV for group IV materials (like SiC,
# III_V for III-V materials (like GaN, AlN,
# II_VI for II-VI materials (like ZnO,
# I_VII for I-VII materials (like CuCl, ...)
a =
3.189 # [Angstrom] lattice constant at 300
K (perpendicular to hexagonal c axis)
# In a hexagonal crystal system, the two lattice
constants perpendicular to the hexagonal c axis are equal.
a_expansion = 5.59e-5
# [Angstrom/K] The lattice constants are temperature dependent => a(T) .
c =
5.185 # [Angstrom] lattice constant at 300
K (along hexagonal c axis)
c_expansion = 3.17e-5
# [Angstrom/K] The lattice constants are temperature dependent =>
c(T) .
# The lattice constants a and c in the
database should be given for 300 K.
# For all other temperatures, the lattice
constants are calculated by the following formula
# where T is the temperatue in units of [K] :
# a(T) = a(300 K) + a_expansion * (T - 300 K)
# c(T) = c(300 K) + c_expansion * (T - 300 K)
# The lattice constants are needed for the
calculation of the strain.
static_a = 9.28
# [-] static or low frequency (epsilon(omega=0) ) dielectric
constant (perpendicular to hexagonal c axis)
static_c = 10.01
# [-] static or low frequency (epsilon(omega=0) ) dielectric
constant (along hexagonal c axis)
optical_a = 5.29 #
[-] The optical dielectric constant (perpendicular to hexagonal c axis)
is currently not in use but maybe it is necessary in the future for laser
optical_c = 5.29 #
[-] The optical dielectric constant (along hexagonal c axis) is currently not in use but maybe it
is necessary in the future for laser calculations.
# In a
hexagonal crystal system the two dielectric
constants perpendicular to the hexagonal c axis are equal.
# The static dielectric constants enter the Poisson
# They are also needed to calculate the optical
absorption and enter the equation for the exciton correction.
c11 = 390
# [GPa] elastic constants
c12 = 145
# 1 * 1011 dyn/cm2 = 10 GPa -> 39.0
* 1011 dyn/cm2
= 390 GPa
c13 = 106
c33 = 398
c44 = 105
# The elastic constants are needed for the
calculation of the strain in heterostructures.
e31 = -0.35 # [C/m2] piezoelectric constants
e33 = 1.27 #
e15 = -0.30 # If strain is present, then generally
piezoelectric charges and thus piezoelectric fields arise.
B311 = 0.0
# [C/m2] 2nd order piezoelectric constant (optional)
B312 = 0.0
# [C/m2] 2nd order piezoelectric constant (optional)
B313 = 0.0
# [C/m2] 2nd order piezoelectric constant (optional)
B333 = 0.0
# [C/m2] 2nd order piezoelectric constant (optional)
B115 = 0.0
# [C/m2] 2nd order piezoelectric constant (optional)
B125 = 0.0
# [C/m2] 2nd order piezoelectric constant (optional)
B135 = 0.0
# [C/m2] 2nd order piezoelectric constant (optional)
B344 = 0.0
# [C/m2] 2nd order piezoelectric constant (optional)
pyroelectric_consts{ p1 = -0.034 }
# [C/m2] pyroelectric constant (spontaneous polarization)
# The pyroelectric field is directed along the
hexagonal c axis ([0 0 0 1] direction).
# material parameters for the conduction band valley at the Gamma point
of the Brillouin zone
= 0.202 # [m0]
electron effective mass perpendicular to hexagonal c axis (parabolic)
= 0.206 # [m0]
electron effective mass along hexagonal c axis (parabolic)
# This mass is used for the single-band Schrödinger
equation and for the calculation of the densities.
bandgap =
3.510 # [eV]
band gap energy at 0 K
bandgap_alpha = 0.909e-3
# [eV/K] Varshni parameter alpha for temperature dependent
band gap
bandgap_beta = 830
# [K] Varshni parameter beta for
temperature dependent band gap
absolute deformation potentials of Gamma conduction band minima
ac,a=a2 (a axis),
ac,a=a2 (a axis), ac,c=a1 (c
defpot_absolute_t = -11.3
# [eV] absolute deformation potential of the
Gamma conduction band perpendicular to hexagonal c axis ac,a=a2
defpot_absolute_l = -4.9
# [eV] absolute deformation potential of the Gamma
conduction band along hexagonal c axis ac,c=a1
# Note that I. Vurgaftman et al., JAP 94, 3675 (2003) lists
a1 and a2
They refer to the interband deformation potentials, i.e. to the
deformation of the band gaps.
Thus we have to add the deformation potentials of the valence bands to get
the deformation potentials for the conduction band edge.
# ac,a = a2
a2 + D2
# ac,c = a1
a1 + D1
= 0
# [] g factor perpendicular to hexagonal
c axis (for Zeeman splitting in magnetic fields)
= 0
# [] g factor along hexagonal c axis
(for Zeeman splitting in magnetic fields)
# material parameters for the valence band valley at the Gamma point of
the Brillouin zone
bandoffset = -0.726
# valence band offset (VBO) with respect to the
"average" of the three valence band edges as defined below.
Note: This energy determines the valence band offset (VBO) between two
VBOv,av =
bandoffset (material1) - bandoffset (material2)
The average of the three holes in wurtzite is defined as:
bandoffset = Ev,av
= (Ehh + Elh + Ech ) / 3 - 2/3 Deltacr
For comparison, in zinc blende this reads:
bandoffset = Ev,av
= (Ehh + Elh + Eso ) / 3
The "average" valence band edge energy in wurtzite is according to Ev
S.L. Chuang, C.S. Chang
k.p method for strained wurtzite semiconductors
Phys. Rev. B 54 (4), 2491 (1996)
# The valence band energies for heavy hole (HH), light hole (LH) and
crystal-field split-hole (CH) are calculated by
defining an "average" valence band energy Ev (=Ev,av) for all three bands and adding the
spin-orbit-splitting and
crystal-field splitting energies afterwards.
The "average" valence band energy Ev (=Ev,av) is defined on an absolute
energy scale and must take into accout the
valence band offsets which are "averaged" over the three holes.
HH{ mass_t = 1.6
# [m0]
heavy hole effective mass perpendicular to hexagonal c axis (parabolic !)
mass_l = 1.1
# [m0]
heavy hole effective mass along hexagonal c axis (parabolic !)
g_t = 0
# []
g factor perpendicular to hexagonal c axis (for Zeeman splitting in
magnetic fields)
g_l = 0
# [] g factor along
hexagonal c axis
(for Zeeman splitting in magnetic fields)
LH{ mass_t = 0.15 # [m0]
light hole effective mass perpendicular to hexagonal c axis (parabolic !)
mass_l = 1.1 # [m0]
light hole effective mass along hexagonal c axis (parabolic !)
g_t = 0
# []
g factor perpendicular to hexagonal c axis (for Zeeman splitting in
magnetic fields)
g_l = 0
# [] g factor along
hexagonal c axis
(for Zeeman splitting in magnetic fields)
SO{ mass_t = 1.1 # [m0]
crystal-field split-off hole effective mass perpendicular to hexagonal c
axis (parabolic !)
mass_l = 0.15 # [m0]
crystal-field split-off hole effective mass along hexagonal c axis (parabolic !)
g_t = 0
# []
g factor perpendicular to hexagonal c axis (for Zeeman splitting in
magnetic fields)
g_l = 0
# [] g factor along
hexagonal c axis
(for Zeeman splitting in magnetic fields)
# These masses are used for the single-band
Schrödinger equation and for the calculation of the densities.
defpotentials = [ -3.7 , # [eV] deformation potential of the
valence bands: D1
4.5 , # [eV] D2
8.2 , # [eV] D3
-4.1 , # [eV] D4
-4.0 , # [eV] D5
-5.5 ]
# [eV] D6
delta =
[ 0.010 , # [eV] crystal-field splitting energy Deltacr = Delta1
0.00567 , # [eV] spin-orbit splitting energy
parameter Delta2
0.00567 ]
# [eV] spin-orbit splitting energy parameter Delta3
# Very often one assumes Delta2
= Delta3 = 1/3 Deltaso .
# Rashba-Sheka-Pikus parameters
A1 = -7.21
# [-] 6-band k.p hole effective mass parameter A1
A2 = -0.44
# [-] 6-band k.p hole effective mass parameter A2
A3 = 6.68
# [-] 6-band k.p hole effective mass parameter A3
A4 = -3.46
# [-] 6-band k.p hole effective mass parameter A4
A5 = -3.40
# [-] 6-band k.p hole effective mass parameter A5
A6 = -4.90
# [-] 6-band k.p hole effective mass parameter A6
S1 = 0.866 S2
= 0.962 # [-] electron effective mass parameter S1=Sparallel and S2=Sperp. for 8-band
E_P1 = 14.0 E_P2 =
14.0 # [eV] Kane's momentum matrix elements Ep1=Ep,parallel , Ep2=Ep,perp.
# Note: The momentum matrix element parameter P is related
to Ep : P2
= hbar2/(2m0) Ep
# The units of P are
[eV Angstrom] .
B1 = 0.0937
B2 = 0.0937
# [hbar2/(2m0)] bulk
inversion symmetry parameters B1 , B2 ,
B3 (sometimes also called A7 )
B3 = 0.0937
A1 = -3.221
# [-] 8-band k.p hole effective mass parameter A1'
(Rashba-Sheka-Pikus parameter)
A2 = -0.44
# [-] 8-band k.p hole effective mass parameter A2'
(Rashba-Sheka-Pikus parameter)
A3 = 2.691
# [-] 8-band k.p hole effective mass parameter A3'
(Rashba-Sheka-Pikus parameter)
A4 = -1.466
# [-] 8-band k.p hole effective mass parameter A4'
(Rashba-Sheka-Pikus parameter)
A5 = -1.406
# [-] 8-band k.p hole effective mass parameter A5'
(Rashba-Sheka-Pikus parameter)
A6 = -2.080
# [-] 8-band k.p hole effective mass parameter A6'
(Rashba-Sheka-Pikus parameter)
Mobility models
# constant mobility model (required)
# Masetti mobility model (optional)
# Arora mobility model (optional)
MINIMOS mobility model (optional)
# SIMBA mobility model (optional)
# Shockley-Read-Hall recombination
Auger {...}
# Auger recombination
# direct recombination
} : {
name = galliumn_nitride
# It is possible to define a synonym or several synonyms for this
material. Here: "GaN" and "galliumn_nitride" are
synonyms for the same set of material parameters.
valence = III_V
} : {
name = "galliumn nitride"
# It is possible to define a synonym or several synonyms for this
material. Here: "GaN" and "galliumn nitride" are
synonyms for the same set of material parameters.
valence = III_V
The deformation potentials are only used if strain is
present. They enter the k.p equations. If the single-band approximation
is used, the deformation potentials are used to shift and split the conduction
and valence band edges.
The g factors (g_t, g_l )
are optional. If the g factors are specified in the input file, the database
value for the g factors are overwritten with the value in the input file. If no
g factors are present in the input file or in the database, a g factor of 2 is
assumed by default.
Analogously to the zincblende
case. Please check the appropriate secion there.
Analogously to the zincblende
case. Please check the appropriate secion there.
########################### QUINTERNARY WURTZITE ##########################
is analogous
with _wz instead of _zb ...