About the nextnano Software¶
The nextnano software allows modelling electronic and optoelectronic semiconductor nanodevices. It is characterized by:
The nextnano software typically is used for research purposes, in the most cases for structures containing quantum wells. However, it can be also successfully used for other type of structures, such as quantum wires, quantum dots, more complicated quantum structures, structures based on p-n junction, 2-dimensional gases, and much more.
Software license includes free access to hundreds of maintained example files and tutorials featuring state-of-the-art physics and publications in semiconductor and quantum science. Easily adapt example files to your device geometry to get started without high initial training effort.
The nextnano software consist of multiple tools aiming at providing you with the best experience while modeling your structures or devices. The tools nextnano++, nextnano³, nextnano.MSB, and nextnano.NEGF are our engines of the nextnano software solving sets of specified equations and computing desired results. These tools require input files specifying the structures, models and outputs of interest. The graphical user interface nextnanomat is your workflow manager whose purpose is to let you go through the entire process of modeling seamlessly. For those who are looking for automated simulation processes, we provide and maintain an open source nextnanopy Python package.