The nextnanomat GUI does not start

Sometimes the application will not start or crash unexpectedly. The Windows event log file can be helpful to troubleshoot errors. You can find them by opening the ‘Event Viewer’ application:

  1. Search for ‘event viewer’ in the Windows search bar

  2. Select and open the Event Viewer application

  3. Navigate to ‘Windows Logs’ and select ‘Application’

  4. You will see a list of recently occured errors and warnings

  5. Select the Application error which correlates with the time of the application crash

  6. Copy the information within the ‘General’ tab

  7. Paste the information into a text editor (e.g. Notepad++) and save as .txt

  8. Additionally, you can take a screenshot of the Event Viewer and save as .jpg or .png file

  9. Attach these files to your support request

  10. Note, sometimes two error events belong to one application crash. Then proceed as described for both of them.